A record of the changing Suffolk sky . . . click on a picture to view large . . . best seen full screen.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Sunshine and shadow

The sun played hide and seek all afternoon. There seemed to be a pinkish tint on some clouds - an optical illusion, though not as dramatic as the iridescence I photographed in July 2008.


Anonymous said...

Love the iridescent clouds, and especially the linked image from July 2008. Spectacular and beautiful!

Margaret Nelson said...

Thanks Robin. My son saw one on his travels in Cambodia - he changed the caption after I identified it: Iridescent pileus cloud.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing photos of iridescent clouds in Cambodia! Wonderful.

When I saw my first iridescent clouds, I always called them sundogs. Here's a link to some not-very-good photos I took when we first moved to Grass Valley. I called them sundogs.

Margaret Nelson said...

Robin, I can't see your link.

A sundog or parhelia is a particular type of iridescence. There can be two of them, one on either side of the side, at the same elevation. Sometimes there's only one, depending on the clouds. It's a bright spot of light, rather than a sheet. See my Flickr set for more about them.